Day One: Behold!

There is a stirring in the spirit that is echoing that ancient prophecy spoken by Isaiah, the prophet. He wrote: 

“Forget the former things, do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing. Now it springs up; do you not perceive it?”  43:18-19

As we embrace our declaration let’s notice a couple of things Isaiah exhorts us to do. First, we have to be able to forget some things. The circumstances that the prophet was asking the original readers to forget, were actually good things. But good or bad, let's intentionally let go of yesterday and embrace this opportunity for our future. 

The second thing Isaiah invites us to do is to SEE.  Some of us know this verse as, “Behold, I am doing a new thing.” 

To behold, is to take a second look. To take a really good look and see what others miss. And when we do, we will see what God is doing. There is a certain spiritual alertness required to see the new things that God is releasing. Behold, answers to our prayers are on the horizon. Take a really good look, behold, to see promises hovering over our lives and families. 

Finally, Isaiah reminds us that our expectation is an essential element of receiving. He wraps us this thought with, “do you not perceive it?”


Father in heaven, give us eyes to SEE the new thing in the spirit. Help us to perceive it as it emerges. We set our hearts to engage with heaven and focus on what is visible in the realm of faith. We are determined to forget anything that keeps us from seeing the future as You do. Amen.


Day Two: Now!